
The Essence of Jim

by: James E Cox

ISBN: 1-4184-9017-2(sc)


The Essence of Jim is a study in poetic styles. Rhythm, rhyme, meter and stanzaic form are all tools available to the poet. His choice of tools is dictated, not only by his bias, but also by the development of his topic. And, when a poet creates, he often exposes a bit of his essence; hence, the title of the book. The initial haiku delves into that thought, and one can only hope that the essence exposed is pleasing to the reader.

The Essence of Jim presents the reader with multiple poetic forms and rhyme schemes to penetrate into the realms of philosophy, logic, love, humor, and everyday disquietudes.

As an added bonus, the form of each poem is identified and defined.

Regardless of your preference in rhythmical styles or subjects, the book will arouse and entertained you.


The Essence of Jim was published by Authorhouse in October 2004. It contains seventy-five poems in multiple poetic forms in ninety-three pages. It is a rare book in that it identifies the forms and indicates why it is that form. It is perfect as a introduction to poetry.

The book is available in soft cover and e-book format through Authorhouse, Amazon, Kindle and local bookstores. To place an order use The Essence of Jim, by James E. Cox, ISBN: 1-4184-9017-2, as required. 

The following Poem is a rubaiyat contained in the book:


What Lies Beyond


What lies beyond in Death’s domain?

Do earthborn sins just Time arraign...

His history the sentence passed

and penalty...a tainted name?


If so, I pray that Justice strip

the blindfold and obtain a whip

for Time, it seems, is also blind

...has not one whit of censorship.


Too many despots, who for greed,

raped and slew to fill their need

while Time but dozed and then would write

not one harsh line to curse their deed.


So Justice let your scales weigh true

but balance the payment that is due

with open eyes and whip in hand...

for Crime in your and God’s purview.